“The discovery of the precarious position of the majority of middle classes (…) And indeed the increasing popularity of the notion of precariat were the consequences of sobering-up, dashing of hopes,” claims prof. Zygmunt Bauman. He explains and describes the process and the road we traveled from an industrial society to the point where we find ourselves now, in the state of “liquid modernity.” This conversation tries to answer questions of whether we have lost the sense of social security and why we have stopped caring about the well-being of the human community. And finally, are we – as a society – really “moving towards the apocalypse?” Interview by Eliza Kania.
E. Kania, Far away from “solid modernity”. Interview with Zygmunt Bauman, “R/evolutions: Global Trends & Regional Issues”, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2013, www.revjournal.org